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Outil d'analyse des fichiers NR3.DAT

Cet outil décode le fichier de configuration NR3.DAT.

Exemple d'utilisation :

$ nrdatview NR3.DAT

NRDATView, version 1.0

Nanoreseau version: 3.1

System application: 0:NRDOS    (.MO5/.TO7)

Printer 0 is installed.
Printer 1 is not installed.
Printer 2 is not installed.
Printer 3 is not installed.
The spooler is on disk 0:
Listing header: one line
Listing footer: three lines

Disk 0: is assigned to A:
Disk 1: is assigned to B:
Disk 2: is not assigned.
Disk 3: is not assigned.
Disk 4: is not assigned.
Disk 5: is not assigned.
Disk 6: is not assigned.
Disk 7: is not assigned.
Disk 8: is not assigned.
Disk 9: is not assigned.

Signature table (8 entries):
   4100FF203D4C0160203C4F0105203F9C1925031193151025328A7EFFE1FDE941  0:MENU.MO5
   3F444F015245034D4905464106534F084C410A53490CF6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDE941  0:MENU.MO5
   0000000000004C4F474F0432312D30322D383500581600000000000000FFB0A5  0:LOGORAM.MO5
   204241534943204D4943524F534F465420312E3004000000000060FF379B379C  0:MENU.TO7
   4C5345472D45444C20204D4F352076332E31320459F10000000000000000B02C  0:LSEROM.MO5
   202A2A2020204C5345472D45444C20332E32202020202A2A20040100004F004C  0:LSEROM.TO7
   4100FF203D4C0160203C4F0105203F9C1925031193151025328A7EFFE4FDE935  0:MENU.MO5
   4100FF203D4C0160203C4F0105203F9C1925031193151025328A7EFFE13DE941  0:MENU.MO5

Code source :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define NRDATSIZE 732

FILE *gSource = 0;

unsigned char gBuffer[NRDATSIZE];

unsigned int GetVersion(char* xBuffer)
    return (xBuffer[0]<<8)+xBuffer[1];

void GetSystemAppName(char* xBuffer, char* xOutput) 
    xOutput[0] = '/'+xBuffer[2];
    xOutput[1] = ':';
    xOutput[10] = 0;

unsigned int GetPrinterStatus(char *xBuffer, unsigned int xIndex)
    return xBuffer[11+(xIndex&0x03)];    

unsigned int GetSpoolerDisk(char *xBuffer)
    return xBuffer[25];

unsigned int GetListingHeader(char *xBuffer)
    return xBuffer[26];

unsigned int GetDisk(char *xBuffer, unsigned int xIndex)
    return xBuffer[15+xIndex];

unsigned int GetSignatureCount(char *xBuffer)
    return xBuffer[27];

void GetSignature(char *xBuffer, unsigned int xIndex, char* xOutput)
    unsigned int i;

    for (i=0;i<32;i++) {
        sprintf(xOutput+i*2,"%02X", xBuffer[28+i+xIndex*44]&0xff);

void GetBootApplicationFilename(char *xBuffer, unsigned int xIndex, char* xOutput)
    unsigned int i,j = 0;

    xOutput[0] = '/'+xBuffer[xIndex*44+60];
    xOutput[1] = ':';

    while ((xBuffer[xIndex*44+61+i]!=' ')&&(i<8)) xOutput[2+i] = xBuffer[xIndex*44+61+i++];
    xOutput[2+i++] = '.';
    while ((xBuffer[xIndex*44+69+j]!=' ')&&(j<3)) xOutput[2+i++] = xBuffer[xIndex*44+69+j++];
    xOutput[2+i] = 0;

void usage()
    printf("Usage: nrdatview filename\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned int lTmpuInt, i;
    char lTmpStr[65];

    printf("NRDATView, version 1.0\n\n");
    if ((argc!=2))
        return -1;

    gSource = fopen(argv[1],"rb");
    if (gSource == NULL)
        printf("Error: cannot open file.\n");
        return -2;

    lTmpuInt = GetVersion(gBuffer);
    if ((lTmpuInt!=0x0301)&&(lTmpuInt!=0x0303))
        printf("Error: incorrect file version (%u.%u).\n",(lTmpuInt>>8)&0xff,lTmpuInt&0xff);
        return -3;

    printf("Nanoreseau version: %u.%u\n\n",(lTmpuInt>>8)&0xff,lTmpuInt&0xff);

    printf("System application: %s (.MO5/.TO7)\n\n",lTmpStr);

    for (i=0;i<4;i++)
        printf("Printer %01u is %sinstalled.\n",i,GetPrinterStatus(gBuffer,i)?"":"not ");

    printf("The spooler is on disk %c:\n",'/'+GetSpoolerDisk(gBuffer));
    lTmpuInt = GetListingHeader(gBuffer);
    printf("Listing header: %s\n",lTmpuInt&0x10?"one line":"one page");
    printf("Listing footer: %s\n",lTmpuInt&0x10?"three lines":"next page");


    for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
        lTmpuInt = GetDisk(gBuffer,i);
        printf("Disk %01u: is ",i);
        if (lTmpuInt) {
            printf("assigned to %c:\n",lTmpuInt+'A'-1);
        } else
            printf("not assigned.\n");

    lTmpuInt = GetSignatureCount(gBuffer);
    printf("\nSignature table (%u entries):\n",lTmpuInt);
    for (i=0;i<lTmpuInt;i++) 
        printf("   %s  ",lTmpStr);

    return 0;
outil_d_analyse_des_fichiers_de_configuration_nr3.dat.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/17 22:47 by fool-duplex

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